Sapphire Moths Tattoo

Think you're more into butterflies than moths? Our Sapphire Moths Tattly, by artist Christina Mrozik, will make you think twice! These blue and white beauties look great on all skin tones and are the perfect accent, no matter what you're wearing
Size: 3.5" x 5”
Tattly tattoos are printed with cruelty-free and vegan ink, lasting on average 2-4 days. We suggest placing on oil-free areas where skin does not stretch and keep them clean! Watch our Application Video to become a pro.
Portland, OR
Christina Mrozik has spent the majority of her life observing the natural world and the various relationships within it. Drawing from the external, she uses a combination of flora and fauna to parse the complexity of our inner worlds. She makes artist prints, homegoods and books that subtly nod at the beautiful spook of transformation.
Shipped with love!
Free domestic shipping with orders of $40 and up
A note for international customers: Occasionally overseas shipments will take a longer time due to the delivery country’s customs. Each customs office is different and Tattly is not responsible for any extra fees or tariffs.
More by Christina Mrozik
Applying Tattly is SUPER EASY!
1. Skin should be clean, dry and free of makeup, sunscreen or lotions.
2. Remove clear top sheet.
3. Press tattoo, design facing down, onto skin.
4. Hold wet cloth against back of tattoo. Press down and make sure to wet it thoroughly.
5. Wait 30 seconds, then peel off paper backing.
6. Gently rinse image with water for best effect.